關於我 About

大家好!Thank you for stopping by.

 我是Reddy,紅色是我最愛的顏色(網誌中應該可以看的出端倪?!) 喜歡的話叫我Ting也可以。 :)


Everyone had the rocker dream...
Intern@TMCC, Taipei

Working at the chocolate shop
Qinghai, China, 2008
Kaxas, Sweden, 2009
Petra, Jordan, 2011
Seoul, South Korea, 2013


A smoothie a day keeps the doctor away


facebook粉絲頁: 我去世界走走

My name is Reddy, a nomadic girl from Taipei, Taiwan.

This blog is to share my vegan journey, past travel experiences and daily life. My main focus is to promote clean diet in a delicious way! I live vegan, whole food and refind-sugar free.

As a passionate homemade & cooking/baking fanatic, I want to show people how amazing vegan food can be. There is no way you have to sacrifice your taste bud for eating healthy. I make everything from scratch if possible. For me, it's economic, healthy and so much fun.

I call myself a food revolutionist. Don't underestimate the power of food. If everyone participates, food revolution can change the world! Welcome to join my journey and lets make the world better.

My ultimate dream is to have my own little vegan bakery/cafe- in one day!

I blog in Chinese, since there are already so many English vegan blogs out there, but Chinese resources are quite limited. Considering most of my readers are Chinese speakers, Id like to provide them as much information as possible.

Please feel free to contact me through email : red_0301 at hotmail.com (please change at into @) r find me on facebook: 我去世界走走

One Love, One World, and One Kitchen.
Give peas a chance!

7 則留言:

  1. hi,your email address is not recognize by system. red_0301 at hotmail.com is should be red_0301@hotmail.com ?thank you

    1. Yes! Sorry i didnt explain clearly, please change at into @. Just to prevent some spam software! Feel free to contact me anyways!

  2. Thank you Reddy for sharing this wonderful Vegan life with us--- I'm new to your blog but coming across a few very inspirational posts of yours, I know I'll definitely come back to visit more!

    Please keep on sharing :)

  3. 謝謝你分享你的故事!很激勵人追求夢想的心 :)

    我超想吃的 XD

  4. 超级开心有你这样一位主张素食并且分亨你的成果,谢谢
